Wanted a way to control the names for the steps that can include the actual service name being deployed.
Emerald Bobcat
Want to add the Service Name (Service being deployed) to the Step Name like wanted Deploy step have an option to be renamed as Deploy_<environment>_<service> . This is would be very useful when we have a pipeline deploying multiple services to multiple environments
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Sudarshan Purohit
We have this feature in our Roadmap, and plan to begin work on it shortly. We will keep you update as we progress.
Sudarshan Purohit
Sudarshan Purohit
This could be solved using the new nodeName parameter - https://developer.harness.io/docs/platform/pipelines/looping-strategies/looping-strategies-matrix-repeat-and-parallelism/#use-a-custom-label-for-matrix-stages.
Prasad Satam
under review