Upload code coverage report to Sonarqube
Tan Cod
We'd like the ability to upload code coverage reports to Sonarqube in a step. We use typescript and can generate the report.xml but, we'd like a step that will allow us to upload this to Sonarqube.
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Nofar Bluestein
Closing this ticket as this is available with the plugin mention in my previous comment.
If there is still any gap, please open a new request and provide additional information.
Thank you
Nofar Bluestein
CI product team
Nofar Bluestein
pending feedback
Nofar Bluestein
Hay, we have a plugin that can scan for code quality and post the analysis report to your SonarQube server.
* please see plugin docs: https://plugins.drone.io/plugins/sonar-plugin
* plugin readme: https://github.com/aosapps/drone-sonar-plugin/blob/master/README.md
* Use plugins in CI: https://developer.harness.io/docs/continuous-integration/use-ci/use-drone-plugins/run-a-drone-plugin-in-ci
If you're using STO, there is also an STO step you could use https://developer.harness.io/docs/security-testing-orchestration/sto-techref-category/sonarqube-sonar-scanner-reference/
Nofar Bluestein,
CI product manager.