To support expression as part of allowed values of a runtime input
in progress
Sepia Gayal
Currently, only fixed values are supported as allowed values of a runtime input.
The idea is to populate a list of values in one step that could be used in the later step as the execution runtime input allowed values.
Then, the end user could have the option to choose those allowed values that populated from the previous step as part of the execution runtime input.
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Prasad Satam
in progress
Novel Cod Sepia Gayal - Good news regarding this feature request, we have picked this feature in current quarter and are nearing the completion, this will be available in Production by end of this Quarter - 31 July 2024.
If you have any questions/feedback please add those to this ticket.
Rohan Gupta
Merged in a post:
Pass a Harness Expression into an Input Allowed Values
Integrated Warbler
We have a need to generate an Input Allowed Values list during the middle of a Pipeline Execution. We would like to make this Allowed Values list dynamic, based on a Harness Expression. Right now the input seems to interpret the expression as a string.
Iron grey Chicken
Prasad Satam is this feature available now? if yes, please share documentation
Prasad Satam
in progress
Novel Cod Sepia Gayal - Good news regarding this feature request, we have picked this feature in current quarter and are nearing the completion, this will be available in Production by end of this Quarter - 31 July 2024.
If you have any questions/feedback please add those to this ticket.
Formal Pinniped
Prasad Satam what is the status of this feature please?
We're now towards the end of August and have not recieved any update on this.
Rohan Gupta
Formal Pinniped: This feature has slipped due to bandwidth constraints. We invested in improving the product quality near the end of the quarter. We are forecasting end of September to deliver this feature. Apologize for not responding, it seems the notification was missed.
Sepia Gayal
Hi Prasad,
This is one of the key features required by our Infra platform team.
The user experience will be terrible without it. This will block our Infra platform team from adopting Harness without this feature.
Please check with our CSM Andy Skelton on this.
Prasad Satam
Prasad Satam
under review
Novel Cod
Prasad Satam: I would say, it is one of the features we wished was in the product. Our use case is, I want to I want to dynamically populate the allowed values list based on result of an http query. For example I want to query CMDB or Service Now to get list of businessunits and populate businessunits in the dropdown list of allowed values. It would be perfect if that was supported.
A suboptimal way if this is unachievable is to support allowed list at Org or Account level. Currently variables defined at Org or Account level only support single values.