Support docker build from compose or bake files
pending feedback
Frequent Jay
We have to maintain 2 copies of our build args: once for developers locally (via docker-compose.yml or a docker-bake.hcl) and then again for the harness pipeline. It would be very nice if harness provided a thin wrapper around the build and push stage templates which additionally took a compose/bake file argument, then all other properties optionall override the values from the file
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Nofar Bluestein
Thank you for sharing your feedback and the suggestion to support Docker builds from docker-compose.yml or docker-bake.hcl files in Harness.
We’ll take this request into consideration as we evolve our roadmap. In the meantime, have you explored using a Run step where you can run Buildx? Buildx natively supports docker-bake.hcl files, which could address your concern.
Thank you
Nofar Bluestein
CI product team
Nofar Bluestein
pending feedback