SEI: Allow Users to Add Annotations to Widgets for Contextual Tracking
Adeeb Valiulla
As a user of SEI widgets,
I want the ability to add annotations (e.g., notes, markers) to widgets to indicate significant events like releases or changes,
So that I can track the impact of those events (positive or negative) on the widget metrics over time.
Acceptance Criteria:
Annotation Capability:
Users should be able to add annotations to widgets by specifying:
Title (e.g., "Release 1.2.3 Deployed")
Date/Time (e.g., December 16, 2024)
Optional Notes (e.g., "Release focused on bug fixes and performance improvements").
Annotation Display:
Annotations should appear on the widget as:
A marker (e.g., vertical line, dot, or pin) on charts that have a time axis.
Hover-over or inline text with annotation details when the marker is interacted with.
Annotation Persistence:
Annotations must persist across user sessions and be visible to all users who have access to the widget.
Users should have the ability to edit or delete annotations if they have sufficient permissions.
Non-Editable Access for Viewers:
Users without edit permissions can only view annotations and not modify or add them.
Annotation Management:
Users should be able to:
Add new annotations.
Edit existing annotations.
Delete annotations.
Include a history/log of all annotations made on a widget.
Impact on Metrics:
Annotations are for context only and should not modify the widget's data or functionality.
User Experience:
Annotations must integrate seamlessly with the widget UI.
Ensure clear visual representation and minimal clutter, even if multiple annotations exist.
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