Provide a better way to view the details of CCM Recommendations
Very Minnow
The "View Details" option of a recommendation provides with a JSON output and the option to download the json file. This option makes hard to review because I need to parse with a json tool and then look for the condition that triggers the recommendation.
Parse the json output and present it on a tabular way or transform it to a CSV file that can be opened with a spreadsheet application.
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Recommendations lists resources only in YAML format
Artificial Narwhal
Currently recommendations only list the affected resources in YAML format, which is difficult to parse through via the web UI. For instance, if a recommendation affects 22 VMs, I have to sift through 4000+ lines of YAML to get those instance names in the midst of all of the other instance details it's including. The recommendation window should have an option to list the resource names without all of the extra YAML. Otherwise, we have to script out a way to parse the info we need out of the YAML.
Rohit Reddy
Hey Artificial Narwhal, we have a functionality to pick fields in the YAML interface to narrow down the scope and also export options to download the filtered down list as a CSV.
Excellent Stork
Excellent Stork
Excellent Stork
under review
Excellent Stork
Ho Very Minnow Thank you for sharing your feedback. We are reviewing this request and planning to enhance the JSON filtering experience within the product. Hope that would resolve your issue and simplify the experience for you.