Pipeline variable expression for listing all Services in Project as Runtime input
pending feedback
Important Tiger
Would like expression support in a pipeline variable as runtime input where a user can select from a list of Services available in the Project. That way, when multiple Deploy stages are used in a pipeline, there's no redundancy in selecting the same Service throughout each pipeline stage. Instead, each Deploy stage's Service variable can use an expression to get the value from the new Service pipeline variable.
Did not find support for this here - https://developer.harness.io/docs/platform/variables-and-expressions/harness-expressions-reference
Would also like this feature expanded to Environment and Infrastructure variables.
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Important Tiger
Hi Rohan thank you for your reply.
We did try to use the Propogate service from previous stage feature however it doesn't work for our use case.
For context, we are building a unified pipeline where a user has the option to deploy a single service either via an ASG or Spot deployment.
We would like to have the ability to select a single service from a pipelien variable (via a dynamic dropdown selection that allows a user to select from a list of all available services from the project) that both an ASG and Spot deployment stage can share.
Let me know if this makes more sense! :)
Rohan Gupta
pending feedback
Rohan Gupta
Hi Important Tiger Has the team leveraged the propagate service from previous stage feature? This allows for users to reference the service already defined that is the purpose of that feature https://developer.harness.io/docs/continuous-delivery/x-platform-cd-features/services/propagate-and-override-cd-services/
Important Tiger
Edit: Deploy stage variables should still be able to use expression "<+service.name>"