Pipeline Template Visibility in Dashboards
Psychological Firefly
Use cases include:
- Visualizing template usage across projects, including version usage, git branch usage, and nested template usage
- Use template tags to filter pipeline executions, to avoid tagging each project's instance of a pipeline using a pipeline template
- Ability to analyze templates based on their components, all templates that use SAM, all templates that use ServiceNow, all templates that are k8s, etc
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Rohan Gupta
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Track pipelines to release candidates (in addition to 'stable')
Zinc white Peacock
Today we create pipelines and remove the version so it will track to the 'stable' version.
We would like to be able to also track to other versions.
We provide 'stable' versions of our pipeline as well as RC (release candidates). When a user wants to use our latest RC, they have to manually change the version to our newest one. We would like to automatically track to our RC, like we can track to stable so they don't have to do anything to pick up the changes.

Prateek Mittal
Cyan Puffin
under review