Pipeline Template Version for historic run
Civil Quail
Hi Team
Is there a way to ascertain which version of a pipeline template was used for a particular run in the execution history. at the moment the only way i can see to do this is to look in the compied yaml for changes that i know were present in the version I am after or to look at the audit trail to see what version was active at the time.
it would be great to be able to easily see this in the execution history somewhere
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Green Echidna
This would be highly useful to us too as we want to pass the pipeline version into our kubernetes deployments for traceability and compliance purposes.
Rohan Gupta
Merged in a post:
View Template Versions in Pipeline Execution
Integrated Warbler
When working with multiple template versions, whether it's pipeline, stage, or step.. we are unable to see the template version in the pipeline execution. This will be useful when troubleshooting pipeline errors.
Rohan Gupta
Thank you for your feature request, we have taken it up in our backlog
Oxblood Barracuda
Rohan Gupta Can we get this prioritised as this is required in our coming features . Can we get a built in variable for the pipeline version? Thanks
Rohan Gupta
Oxblood Barracuda: Hi @{675a7895bdc53f93368f3636|full_name} please work with your TPM to properly escalate it in priority. Right now this is not a candidate in the upcoming plan 4 unique customer/company votes is not enough to right now, we have other that have more unique votes and demand.
Oxblood Barracuda
Rohan Gupta sure thanks will take it this with TPM
Oxblood Barracuda
raised this with our PO - Micheal