No pipeline execution filter available for pipelines with custom stages
Manual Wildcat
For deployment pipelines we can filter execution history using service name and environment but for pipelines which do not have any deployment stages (ie using only custom stages) no option to filter it based on runtime inputs.
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Canny AI
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Should be able to filter pipeline executions based on pipeline inputs
Spotless Woodpecker
Hi Team,
Currently we are unable to filter the pipeline executions based on the inputs supplied to the pipeline at runtime, we have this feature on jenkins and we should be able to filter the pipeline executions based on user and input supplied to the pipeline at runtime.
Canny AI
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Execution filters
Horizon blue Marmot
In Harness First Gen we had metadata tags that were then used to search/filter on deployments.
This is the docs on this in Harness First Gen:
This was used to filter deployments based on pipeline input. For example if we have a workflow input variable in first gen of
, the workflow had a tag with a name of git_ref
and a value of ${workflow.variables.GIT_REF}
. Then in our deployments dashboard we could use tags to filter on deployments where git_ref was a specific value, but filtering on git_ref: 1234
.I understand that the ability to set tags as key/value pairs based on variable expressions was dropped in Harness Next Gen. So we can no longer filter on tags specifically in the executions UI.
This feature request is to provide some other way for our users to filter the executions based on pipeline input values.
Canny AI
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Environment Filtering in Execution History for Custom Stage
Brass Ostrich
Currently, environment filtering is only available for Deployment Stage, and the Environment column does not display values for Custom Stages in the execution history. There is no way to find out find out the latest execution for each environments in the execution history list page.
We would like to request the environment column value display and filter functionality in execution history for pipeline with Custom Stages. This will help us and easier to manage our pipelines and workflows.
Thank you for considering our request.
Ethical Grasshopper
please have a custom variable or pre-defined variable which can showup from execution history list. that way, we can manage to have version, environment, application name to display whatever way we want. (even for build stage only pipeline)
***below is miscrosoft way of dealing with it.
Azure devops example:
it can define build number and display in execution history like below in yaml:
name: $(TeamProject)_$(Build.DefinitionName)_$(SourceBranchName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd).$(Rev:r)
it also allow update build number which will runtime change the display in execution history like below in yaml:
- task: Bash@3
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
echo "##vso[build.addbuildtag]$buildnumber"
displayName: 'Update buildnumer at runtime'
Rohan Gupta
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Need ability to define a variable which display in the execution history
Ethical Grasshopper
In my build stage only pipeline, I have appname, version and environment variable which I want to display in the execution history. This pipeline is used for build multi product for mutl environment
It can be:
If i save above into a variableA,
I want to display variableA's value in execution history list.
Please help.
This is very important for us to make single pipeline support multi environment and multi app.
ps: I notice you added SERVICE and ENVIRONMENT which is the property from DEPLOY STAGE only, it does not fit my needs.
Rohan Gupta
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Show input values on Execution History page
Working Lizard
It would be extremely helpful to display the input values used to execute a pipeline on the Execution History page of the pipeline.
I often have the need to go back through the Execution History page to find a particular build/deployment. Right now that process involves opening all executions by Ctrl + Clicking each execution then tabbing through each new tab to open the "Inputs" tab to review what values were provided. This is slow and tedious.
Having the inputs shown directly in the executions list would sped up this process drastically.
Rohan Gupta
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Add pipeline variables to build execution list
Ethical Grasshopper
Pipeline variables should be added to the build list to add further customizability and improve the UI. We use a variable called Environment to select which environment to logically group specific use cases i.e. Build xyz on STG or DEV.
Sudarshan Purohit
Thank you for the details, Spotless Woodpecker. This helps. Yes, we do have a feature in our roadmap to set tag values using inputs, and then to be able to search using these tags. We will update this ticket once the feature is released (timelines are not finalized yet).
Ethical Grasshopper
any update?
Sudarshan Purohit
Hi Spotless Woodpecker, could you elaborate on this request?
Once the input has been provided to the pipelines, it is merged into the runtime information, and thus it doesn't have a separate status as "input", or "fixed value". So it isn't possible to search specifically based on whether a data item was provided at runtime or fixed during pipeline design.
Also, a very large number of parameters to the pipelines can be provided as runtime inputs, including services, environments, and infra. It's possible to filter on these already; which specific data would you like to filter on?
Violet Possum
Hi Sudarshan Purohit, I have attached few screenshots .
Suppose we have a pipeline and we need to execute it 20 times for 20 different environment ( or with 20 different inputs ).
Currently if we want to check the execution details on any particular environment, we have to open each execution and first check the input . It's a time killing process.
Can we get some feature like tagging of each execution with input or name of input set which will help us easily identify the pipeline execution for any particular environment.
In the attached screenshots, you can find a input variable called POD_ID .
In our case it is an identifier on which environment we are running a particular pipeline. If it is directly added somehwere in execution history page as tag/inputs , it will save us lot of time and effort.
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