Link to execution after using custom webhook trigger
Parental Grasshopper
After we trigger a pipeline using a custom webhook, the result (see below) gives us three URLs, but none of them take you directly to the execution of the pipeline that was just triggered. The only one somewhat useful to us is the "uiUrl", but that takes us to the list of executions for the pipeline in question.
Is there any way to get the URL to the executed pipeline so we can send our users there directly without requiring them to find the execution in the list and click?
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Add direct link to the pipeline execution on the Custom Webhook trigger response
Gossamer Chimpanzee
Need visibility into when my trigger was being used. I want to know:
If the trigger was fired off?
when it was fired off?
what was the payload for the trigger?
It’s extremely difficult for our users to troubleshoot failed trigger executions, see what events harness received failed to execute and what events were received and not mapped to a trigger.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Need Stage Execution URL for Stage Executions Dashboard Data
Ecru Alligator
Sourcecode URLS are available for the Stage Execution dashboard data, but a link to the execution is not available.
Would like that execution. We cannot even build the link, because the actual ID for stages is not available either, only the Execution ID.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Webhook Trigger should return pipeline execution url
Capable Leopard
I am triggering Harness from a different CI tool using a webhook trigger
The trigger currently responds with the URL that contains all executions of the pipeline in "uiUrl"
I would like it to return the specific execution that I triggered
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
NG: Custom trigger output post invoke is giving common dashboard UI URL, not execution one
Representative Llama
When we trigger the pipeline from the custom trigger, it shows api URL and uiURL. In CG, UI URL would take one to the execution of that pipeline and that was much more useful. In case of NG, it takes to the common execution dashboard, which is not useful as there can be many execution running and one might not know which is triggered from the CI of a job. Please help with the job execution URL in the response.
Prasad Satam
Representative Llama - Thank you for the feedback, we have addressed this use case, we are now returning execution url as well, please take a look at this doc for more information -
Representative Llama
Prasad Satam This works in case of getting the status from the API and code. Now, if I want to get the full visibility of a code to move from CI to CD, and check what has happened to the deployment, I need a way to have the proper UI URL, so that I can just click on the URL and move to NG UI. Please lmk if there is any way to achieve this.
Can I get the status via code from the API, and in that response get the UI URL for the NG pipeline execution?! we are fine with that way for now as well.
Representative Llama
Prasad Satam We have used the workaround. this can be closed.
Shylaja Sundararajan
Shylaja Sundararajan
Hi Abe ,
Could you please Trigger Activity page and Trigger Explorer available as part of the Trigger configuration to filter the executions associated with the event and pipeline execution URL.
Pranay Kaikini
Thanks for submitting your request.
A sample payload after executing your webhook trigger will look like the below
In the next step, Query details about trigger processing and execution details for the triggered pipeline. The following command uses the “eventCorrelationId” returned above just after the “triggerExecutionDetails/” path.
curl -X GET \
Response: The “data” field in the response will contain 2 fields:
“webhookProcessingDetails": This is the data currently returned by /webhook/triggerExecutionDetails API.
“executionDetails”: This is the same data currently returned by the /pipelines/execution/v2/ API.
Sample Response:
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"webhookProcessingDetails": {
"eventFound": true,
"eventId": "62eb058f11d58d120e940a5d",
"accountIdentifier": "kmpySmUISimoRrJL6NL73w",
"orgIdentifier": "default",
"projectIdentifier": "myproject",
"triggerIdentifier": "myhook",
"pipelineIdentifier": "test",
"pipelineExecutionId": "BOvtFC6xRReaPeJiOj2yvA",
"exceptionOccured": false,
"message": "Pipeline execution was requested successfully",
"payload": "{}",
"eventCreatedAt": 1659569558794,
"runtimeInput": "pipeline: {}\n"
"executionDetails": {
"pipelineExecutionSummary": {
"pipelineIdentifier": "test",
"planExecutionId": "BOvtFC6xRReaPeJiOj2yvA",
"name": "test",
"status": "Expired",
"tags": [],
"executionTriggerInfo": { ... },
"governanceMetadata": { ... },
"moduleInfo": { ... }
"layoutNodeMap": { ... },
"modules": ["pms"],
"startingNodeId": "Usu77wypQum1gB2hdur-8A",
"startTs": 1659569558476,
"endTs": 1659655962522,
"createdAt": 1659569558663,
"canRetry": true,
"showRetryHistory": false,
"runSequence": 9,
"successfulStagesCount": 0,
"runningStagesCount": 0,
"failedStagesCount": 0,
"totalStagesCount": 1,
"executionInputConfigured": false,
"allowStageExecutions": false,
"stagesExecution": false
"metaData": null,
"correlationId": "c793026a-a152-4377-ba97-b10d12f0df5d"
Capable Leopard
Pranay Kaikini: thanks for sharing those. I think my request might not be clear
I would like it to return the UI URL for the pipeline execution
For example
This is my pipeline execution that was done for my specific trigger execution:
Is it possible for this to be returned in the first response instead of having to do another api call to find out details?
Pranay Kaikini
Capable Leopard: The trigger executes the Pipeline async due to which it is not possible to achieve this with out another API call.
Capable Leopard
Pranay Kaikini: Thanks! that makes sense. I'll see what other options we can explore using the API
Capable Leopard
Hi Shylaja, I'm expecting this from the api call and not having to navigate via the Harness UI
The API call currently responds with the below
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"eventCorrelationId": "654b5533fdbaa82fae7d2cdf",
"uiSetupUrl": ""
"metaData": null,
"correlationId": "d38f580f-f44c-41de-936d-06345f8348b3"
None of these will send me directly to my specific pipeline executed by this trigger page
In case I am triggering this pipeline for a 100 executions, is the expectation to have to navigate via the UI to find each execution?
Rohan Gupta
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