How to access secrets in the asset governance rule
next fiscal quarter
High Ant
I am trying to fetch some secrets to use them in the asset governance rule.
Can we have a feature to support secret references in governance policies.
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Policy evaluation should able to validate the value attribute for Reference type secret.
Skinny Grasshopper
This request is the continuation of the ticket Policy couldn't validate the value(secret key) when the secret is Reference type but we need to enforce the prefix when they use the AWS Secret Manager(reference type) in order to protect the cross access.
Rubber Scallop
Feature Request
If Secret Definition Yaml has valueType: Reference, then include the Value.
type: SecretText
name: sns
identifier: sns
orgIdentifier: AWMAE
projectIdentifier: Renga
description: ""
secretManagerIdentifier: harnessSecretManager
valueType: Reference
[MISSING/REQUEST] value: /application/harness/<org>/<project>/<actual_secret_key>
Rohit Reddy
next fiscal quarter
Rohit Reddy
Hello High Ant, thank you for your feedback. We are planning to add variable references to Asset Governance Rules based on your feedback, this will allow you to reference the same variable in multiple Rules.