Feature Request for adding Rewrite to Canary Rules
pending feedback
Raspberry Reindeer
As part of canary releases, there are rules under the istio option. In there, there are number of rule types we can set.
We would request a 'rewrite' option under URI so that when the request is passed on, we can perform a rewrite on the URI.
E.g. if there is a rule for URI matching '/folder1/folder2/file1.html, it would be useful to perform a rewrite to '/file1.html'
Is this a possible feature request?
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Tan Cod
Rohan Gupta
The user who created this enhancement request has provided the below response
We have reviewed the documentation and observed that both the K8sTrafficRouting step and the K8sCanaryDeploy step require enhancements. Both the K8sTrafficRouting and K8sCanaryDeploy steps create an Istio VirtualService and define the route and destination. While this functionality is effective, it currently lacks the option to add a http "rewrite".
Rohan Gupta
pending feedback
Rohan Gupta
Have you tried the actual traffic routing step to do this? https://developer.harness.io/docs/continuous-delivery/deploy-srv-diff-platforms/kubernetes/cd-k8s-ref/traffic-shifting-step/
It doesnt need to be done only in canary, you can do an update to the rules via the routing step.