CI Build executed by user details not available in custom dashboard
this fiscal quarter
Zinc white Blackbird
When trying to configure a custom dashboard that contains the list of users who have triggered builds there is no dimension for userid/email of the user that triggered it . While it is possible to build a dashboard for "Continuous Delivery and Gitops" that has the userid and email, it is noticed that the userid/email dimensions are not available for CI.
If we can add the user dimension such as userid/email of the user user who triggered execution that would help getting the user list for the customers
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Nofar Bluestein
this fiscal quarter
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Nofar Bluestein
under review
Nofar Bluestein
pending feedback
Nofar Bluestein
Thank you for your feedback.
The use case is clear, we are looking into multiple improvements for our dashboard and will take this into consideration as well.
Nofar Bluestein, CI product team