Add option to pass tag/image path as expression/runtime input when selecting artifact as expression/input.
Orchid Tiger
We want an Option in the UI to ask for the value of tag/image path from the artifact (Already set as input in the artifact) to be asked while selecting the artifact to deploy in the pipeline as runtime input/Expression.
This same behaviour works well in the pipeline yaml, but on UI it doesn't have this option, Also on reconcile it changes it back to the original value.
Here is the reference yaml snippet -
primaryArtifactRef: <+input>
- identifier: test
type: DockerRegistry
imagePath: <+input>
tag: <+input>
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Adjacent Angelfish
Hello Rohan,
This use case is a blocker for us to use expression based artifactory source and expression based tag which needs to be deployed on ECS from ECR.
I see this ask is marked long term but meanwhile we need a workaround for it.
Happy to get on call to brief out the problem.
More info
Our use case requires that the ECR image be sourced from the same region where we are deploying the ECS service, primarily to support failover scenarios. For example, if we are deploying the ECS service in us-east-2, the image should be pulled and deployed from an ECR repository in the same region.
To achieve this, we are using an expression to dynamically define the primary artifact reference. However, when specifying this expression, we also need to pass a service-specific tag during the pipeline run.
Rohan Gupta