Ability to run dry run step during Freeze window
pending feedback
Compact Bovid
Currently the Freeze Window is applicable to the CD stage. Due to this any pipelines that are run during the Freeze Window will be aborted. There are use cases where users would want to run Dryrun to production and this is not possible when the freeze is enabled. This request is to provide a provision to run dryrun for prod during the freeze window where there is really not any changes being rolled out.
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Rohan Gupta
pending feedback
Rohan Gupta
What would the dry run look like? Today all of our steps actually execute. So there is no concept of a dry run, for steps that do not natively support it, i.e. shell script won't, but Terraform and K8s-Dry Run do. Are you just looking for the compiled pipeline yaml that would execute?
Compact Bovid
Rohan Gupta Our stage includes k8dry-run + shell script to check some requirements on the output of k8dryrun