ability to compare versions of a template
Busy Guppy
ability to compare versions of a template.
We are making so many PR's/changes to templates, we need to be able to easily see the changes between versions in order to accurately approve and confirm they will not cause an outage or issue.
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Decomplicate the interaction between template versions and git experience workflow
Gold Orangutan
Ask is to develop supports/recommended practices for the scenario described below to decomplicate the process of conducting PR reviews against Git Experience changes to templates when conducting template updates and maintenance.
Sample scenario:
Template X has multiple versions extant (and several of which were EOL'ed and deleted from Harness), and is git backed.
User A takes Template X (version N) and makes a change, creating a new version M, and pushes to a feature branch, after which they create a PR to merge down to the default branch.
User B is called in to review the PR, and is faced with multiple challenges:
A) In GitHub, distinct versions are backed by different files, and so the 'compare branches' functionality just shows a new file, requiring individual diffs external to the GitHub UI for each file
B) Further, while there may be working conventions taken up by the team, there isn't a clear (automated) way to identify what the 'base' version for a template is without communicating with User A
C) Finally, as Harness doesn't delete the Git backed files when a version is removed, the GH repository becomes cluttered without additional support automation to bring the repository into alignment, making the identification of base images more complicated, etc.
D) By contrast, in Harness, one is able to compare between individual template versions in the UI, but (B) remains as an issue, and the process becomes burdensome when attempting to coordinate changes across multiple templates.
Rohan Gupta
Busy Guppy
Rohan Gupta This is cool, but I really need to be able to compare the template I am working on to the one that is stable or committed to my main.
for instance I have a branch "dev" and am working on updates/testing. I now need to merge this to main.
I want to be able to compare the two templates.
The solution has no way that I can see to select a branch similar to every other template selection screen in harness.
Rohan Gupta
You can now compare versions of a template
Zinc white Peacock
Can someone provide an update to this request as it's something that's very desirable feature.
In addition, I'm hoping the implementation will be simple and intuitive like a "Diff" button directly on the template that you want to know the changes.
I don't want to have to navigate to an audit trail or other place in Harness while I'm working on the template.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Improve template changes in Harness Audit Trail
Daffodil yellow Bear
Currently, Harness will capture updates/changes for templates in the Audit Trail however, if a user changes the stable version of a template, Harness doesn't show any YAML differences. Can we improve this functionality so that we can show that the stable version of the template was changed? We'd like to be able to keep track of who changes the versions for auditing purposes and this would help a lot.
Rohan Gupta
Merged in a post:
Compare YAML versions in templates
Worldwide Warbler
I would like a method to compare YAML between versions of templates. This would aid greatly in quickly identifying what has changed.
Rohan Gupta
I'm thrilled to inform you that your idea has been carefully reviewed and evaluated by our product team. We are excited to announce that it has been given top priority and is now officially in our development pipeline!
We will keep you updated on the progress and let you know as soon as it is available.
Should you have any questions, suggestions, or thoughts you'd like to share, please feel free to add more to this feature request.
Iron grey Chicken
Rohan Gupta: Do we have any recent update on availability of this request?