SERVICE_ACCOUNT is not supported for Harness Approval Step yet
Merlot Bear
Trying to follow instructions here:
and I am getting the following error suggesting Harness NG API doesn't yet support this.
"status":"ERROR","code":"INVALID_REQUEST","message":"Invalid request: SERVICE_ACCOUNT is not supported for Harness Approval Step yet"
I guess I am asking for that feature to be added or if there is another option other than service account that I didn't consider here.
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Shylaja Sundararajan
Shylaja Sundararajan
Hi Justin
This feature is supported. Please refer documentation and let us know if there are any queries
Canny AI
Shylaja Sundararajan
Julep green Platypus
I also ran into this error when migrating from Harness First Gen (GraphQL) to Harness Next Gen (REST). The previous version of Approvals API supported Service Account Tokens, while the Next Gen does not, seems to only support Personal Access tokens which doesn't make a lot of sense since we run these API calls as part of a service. It would be great if the Approvals API can support Service Account Tokens. Thank you.
Pranay Kaikini
pending feedback