Clean Raccoon
I would like in CCM - Recomendations - ResourceName - Get the instance name instead Instead ID.
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Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Add AWS EC2 instance name and other metadata in recommendations
Venetian red Lobster
Hi Team,
Request to add AWS EC2 instance name and other details in CCM recommendations.
Currently recommendations shows instance id only. To identify instances easily, please add instance name column to CCM recommendations.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Recommendations for EC2 instances should include the tag name in the description
Thoughtful Planarian
The Recommendations for EC2 are not showing the name of the resource , that is basically the tag "Name" .
Showing at least the name of the instance could be very useful to quickly recognise and evaluate the correct action without going on the aws console to check the name of the vm all the time.
Goldenrod Catshark
Please add all relevant information to identify the resource as well: AWS account ID, tags, and so on. For example, sometimes an AWS account ID is multi-tenant: in such cases, the tags are necessary to correctly identify who needs to address the recommendation
Excellent Stork
Excellent Stork
under review
Excellent Stork
Hi Clean Raccoon Thanks for sharing your feedback. We are looking into it and will get back to you shortly.